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About the CEO

Allie B. the CEO

Allie B. is bold. She courageously activates the inner voice of ALL individuals to express their authentic inner voice and tap into their gifting. There she leads them to discover how to express their true character and accept their struggles and realize their strength is found in their struggle.


Allie B is a transitional speaker with a transparent style that activates the inner voice through singing, training or through pure expression of speech. As a Instructor, Musician, and Transitional Speaker Allie B. encourages individuals to move pass their dysfunctions in life and NOT become stagnant.  The past of individuals  does not dictate their future but that everyone is  a CHAMPION and they do not have to be silent about their dysfunction.  As a result, she helps individuals  seek out their inner voice concerning rejection, abuse, and other catastrophic events in life that may have caused individuals to become introverted and live in shame. Their shame, bitterness and confusion is flipped to reveal victory, value and vindication.


Allie B is well seasoned expert who support individuals to dig beyond the surface of their circumstance and express emotions and character to be exposed in the way that is a testament and light to others.




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